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5 Steps to Dealing with Upheaval in Your Life

Oct 14, 2021

Over the past year we have seen upheaval comes in many forms.  Social unrest, political uncertainty, economic warnings, just to mention a few. To some, the crisis might be small, a fender bender in the parking lot, causing minor damage to their car. Others face even more significant challenges, such as an illness or the loss of a job.

Regardless of the cause, dealing with upheaval is much the same whether you’re in the midst of a life-changing event or suffering something smaller. Believe it or not, any turmoil can be managed in just five steps.


There’s no way you can move past the catastrophe unless you have a clear idea of what’s going on. Take note of the details of the problem, and then list what might best be termed as a ‘damage report’ to get a scope of the situation. The key here is to do this assessment calmly and clearly. Which is why the next step is so important.

Calm Yourself

Most people, when amid upheaval, will react rather than respond. Remember, a lot of emotion can get packed into a reaction, such as fear, panic, worry, frustration, or anger. Reacting means giving in to those emotions. But a response is a reasoned-out response and only happens when you have those emotions under control. Once you’ve reached that point, you’re ready to figure out your initial reaction.

Go Long

You start by taking the long view. If you focus on the short-term goals, you’re going to get too caught up in the panic response again. Live in context.  That means to take into consideration all that has happened (history), is happening (present), and going to happen (future).  On the other hand, reminding yourself of the goal means you are stepping back and seeing how this setback fits into the grand scheme of things. Remind yourself you’re still on track for the ultimate goal. This disaster is only a setback, not a stopping place.  We are reminded that we may go through the fire, but we will not be burned, we may go through the flood, but we will not be drowned.  The key is that we “go through” and not “stop in”.


Here’s where you need to remember you shouldn’t be doing the next steps alone. Build your team around you. Find mentors and friends who can advise and a tribe who’s going to have your back. Create your network and let them know what’s going on.


Now, together you need to find a solution and put it into action. Make use of your team from the previous step. Keep your focus on the goal and figure out the best way to move forward.

Remember, every upheaval has a way out. Some factors might be beyond your control, but you can still manage the things within your grasp. If you keep your head, you’ll be fine. The key is to be patient and to focus on the next best thing.


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